In Short Term Abroad (STA) courses such as those available to graduate students in the Opus College of Business, students benefit from exposure to business practices, unique regulations and societal challenges, and different cultural perspectives from around the world. This month, UST MBA students are studying Marketing in a Mega-Market in New Delhi and Mumbai, India and Global Financial Services in Taipei City, Shanghai, and Hong Kong.
Building on the success of the STA courses, the college has broadened the number of international learning opportunities available to MBA students enabling students to better look ahead to and plan for future international learning opportunities.
Beginning formally in the 2014-2015 academic year, students can plan on seeing three STA courses offered each year—two during J-Term and one immediately following the Spring Semester and concluding before the Summer Session begins (“May Term”).
Two of the biggest challenges we've faced with STA courses have been the challenge of creating a format that would allow us to broaden our international offerings to new locations and new subject areas, and to enable students have sufficient time to plan ahead. Our new format will eliminate these obstacles and should make the STA experience a more realistic opportunity for a greater number of our MBA students.
In 2014-2015 three long-popular courses will be on offer:
- Marketing in Emerging Markets—South America (MKTG 714)
- Global Financial Services—Taipei, Hong Kong, and Shanghai (FINC 752)
- Risk Leadership in a Global Context—London (MGMT 753)
These courses are extremely popular and tend to fill up very quickly, so students will want to be ready to respond fairly quickly. Students with an interest in these courses should stay alert during the Spring Semester of 2014 for announcements regarding these courses. Early questions on these three courses can be directed to professor Peter Young.
Additionally, in the Spring Semester of 2014 students will see additional information on courses that will be offered in 2015-2016, 2016-2017, and 2017-2018. Although the information on these courses will be necessarily limited, the announcement should be sufficiently substantive for students begin some basic planning and scheduling for the inclusion of an STA course (or courses) in their MBA program.