Minnesota 529 College Savings Plan information sessions are March 20, 21
Two presentations on Minnesota’s 529 College Savings Plan (MCSP) will be held from noon to 1 p.m. on St. Thomas’ Twin Cities campuses.
Here is the schedule of presentations:
- Monday, March 20, in Room 155, Murray-Herrick Campus Center, St. Paul campus
- Tuesday, March 21, in Room 301, Terrence Murphy Hall, Minneapolis campus
MCSP offers:
- Tax advantages – No Federal or Minnesota income taxes on qualified withdrawals. (The law allowing federal income tax-free qualified withdrawals is set to expire on Dec. 31, 2010; Congress may or may not extend the law beyond this date.)
- Matching grant – Some qualifying families could receive up to $300 a year from the state of Minnesota.
- Choice of Schools – Funds can be used at thousands of accredited colleges and universities in the United States, including eligible trade and vocational schools.
- Not just for tuition – Funds also can be used for certain room-and-board expenses, required equipment, fees and books.
- Choice of investment options.
- Low fees – No start-up or broker fees and a single low management fee.