A Native American film showcase, featuring four short films with a nouveau comedy theme, will be presented by filmmaker Elizabeth Day on Wednesday, April 13. The showcase is sponsored by St. Thomas’ American Culture and Difference Program, College of Arts and Sciences.
The films are:
- “Smoke Break” – Director Sally Kewayosh
- “Cousins” – Director Sally Kewayosh
- “Other Halves” – Director Migizi Pensoneau
- “Scared Talk” – Directors Migizi Pensoneau and Dallas Goldtooth
The event, free and open to the public, will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. in Room 126, John R. Roach Center for the Liberal Arts.
Day (Ojibwe) was born on the Leech Lake Reservation and grew up in Minneapolis. She studied film production at Minneapolis College. “Natives are storytellers,” Day said. “It’s in the blood. Growing up I was surrounded by great storytellers. Some of my most favorite memories are of just sitting around the table and listening to my family talk and telling stories. It was almost like a contest of who could tell the best story of the night, who had the best timing, who could tell the funniest jokes, who had the most touching and enduring ending. It was very natural for me to pursue a career in film making.”
(Read more about Day on the Native Networks website.)
This event is sponsored by the American Culture and Difference Program at the University of St. Thomas and the Augsburg Native American Film Series.