Dr. Janice Andrews, School of Social Work, reports that the book she co-authored, The Road Not Taken: A History of Radical Social Work in the United States (Brunner/Routledge, 2001), is now out in paperback.
She also reports that several articles of hers have been published: "Group Work's Place in Social Work: A Historical Analysis," in the December 2001 Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare; "A Life Fully Lived: A Narrative Interview With Social Group Worker Ruby Pernell," in the 2001 issue of Reflections: Narratives of Professional Helping; "The Radical Voices of Social Workers: Some Lessons for the Future," co-authored with M. Reisch, in the 2002 Journal of Progressive Human Services, Vol. 13, No. 1; and "Reflections on Writing a Biography on a Living Hero: Gisela Konopka," in the fall (at press) issue of Reflections: Narratives of Professional Helping.
Andrews also has presented several papers and workshops recently, including "The Life and Legacy of Gisela Konopka," a Nov. 1 faculty research presentation at the University of Minnesota"; and "Preserving Social Group Work's Past: Oral History Training" and "Collaborative Education in a Progressive Social Work Class: Mutual Learning Through Social Group Work" (which was presented with former student Stacy Husebo) at the 24th annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Social Work with Groups last month in New York.
Andrews also has accepted a three-year term as a consulting editor for the Journal of Progressive Human Services and accepted a term on the editorial board of Reflections: Narratives of Professional Helping.
Dr. Cornelia Horn, Theology Department, recently participated in the Fifth syriac conference Sept. 8-14 in Kottayam, Kerala, India. This international research conference was organized by the St. Ephrem Ecumenical Research Institute under the direction of the Rev. Dr. Jacob Thekeparampil. Horn presented a paper, "The Tale of the Mimes, Syriac MS 75 (Sachau 222): Content and context," which will be published in the conference proceedings.
Dr. David Kelley, Geography Department, presented a paper, "Further Evidence of a Middle-Holocene Dry Period From Sediments in Lake Pepin, Minn., USA," at the 2002 Geological Society of America annual meeting Oct. 28 in Denver.
Dr. Paul Lorah, Geography Department, is the lead author o the article, "Environmental Protection, Population Change and Economic Development in the Rural Western United States. The paper focuses on the economic impact of wilderness and roadless areas on nearby economies. It will appear in February 2003 issue of the journal Population and Environment.
Bob McCluskey, University Registrar, presented "John Q. at Bury U: FERPA Nightmares," a session about student records privacy, at the annual meeting of the Upper Midwest Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers Oct. 28.
Birdie Ramacher and Morris Goodwin III, two members of the PLEDGE (President's Leadership Education and Diversity Group Endeavor) Committee, recently gave a presentation about PLEDGE at the Minnesota college Personnel Association conference in Mankato. They highlighted the accomplishments of this peer-education group on campus and explained its origins and goals. The MCPA recognized PLEDGE with its 2002 "Innovation in Student Development" plaque.
James Rogers, Center for Irish Studies, attended the Midwest regional meeting of the American Conference for Irish Studies Oct. 24-26 at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. Rogers organized and participated in a roundtable session that addressed the topic, "What Do Geneology and Irish Studies Have to Say to One Another?" He also participated in a poetry reading that featured authors from the recent Irish and Irish-American special issue of the literary journal Natural Bridge (No. 7, Spring 2002), in which his poem, "Three Things Remembered From the Life of Georgia O'Keeffe," was published.
Dr. Melissa Shepard and Dr. Jeff McLean, Mathematics Department, and about 20 St. Thomas students attended the fall conference of the Minnesota Council of Teachers of Mathematics Oct. 18 at Eastview High School in Eagan. McLean also served as a District 4 delegate to the MCTM and attended the delegate assembly after the conference.
Dr. Lee Smithey, Sociology Department, and Lester Kurtz are co-authors of an article, "Parading Persuasion: Nonviolent Collective Action as Discourse in Northern Ireland," in the journal Consensus Decision Making, Northern Ireland and Indigenous Movements, Vol. 24, pages 319-359.
Dr. Fred Zimmerman, Graduate Programs in Engineering and Technology
Management, was a panelist at the Merrill Lynch-sponsored "Character Matters" conference Oct. 28 at the Minneapolis Club. The conference was aimed at increasing corporate and investor awareness of ethical issues surrounding accounting and business-practice issues. On Oct. 29, Zimmerman was the keynote speaker at a manufacturing conference sponsored by the LarsonAllen accounting firm; it was held at Midland Hills Country Club.