Dr. Shahid Alvi, Sociology Department, is co-author with M. Schwartz, A. Topmaszewski and W. DeKeseredy of “Crime Victimization, Alcohol Consumption and Drug Use in Canadian Public Housing” published in the Journal of Criminal Justice (Vol. 566, Pages 1-14).
Dr. Kenneth Goodpaster, Koch Endowed Chair in Business Ethics, served as the editor of the Proceedings of the Caux Round Table Global Dialogue July 7-9 in Caux-sur-Montreux, Switzerland. Also, Goodpaster’s article, “Can a Corporation Have a Conscience?” was published in the special collection, “Harvard Business Review on Corporate Responsibility” (HBS Press, 2003). A recently completed case series by Goodpaster and Research Associate Dean Maines will be featured at the November conference of the North American Case Research Association in Tampa, Fla. And a new paper by Goodpaster, Maines and UST’s Arnold Weimerskirch, Engineering and Technology Management Department, titled “A Baldrige Process for Ethics?” will be presented next month at the Engineering Ethics 2003 Conference on the theme, “Building Ethics Into Professionalism,” in New Orleans, La.
Ann Hubbard, International Education, chaired and presented a 12-hour workshop on “Foundations of International Education: Education Abroad Advising” at the 55th annual NAFSA: Association for International Education conference in late May in Salt Lake City. This workshop is designed for newcomers who work in U.S.-based study-abroad offices and who have responsibility for advising students on education abroad opportunities.
Brian Kalis, a May 2003 graduate with a double major in business administration (entrepreneurship) and quantitative methods and computer science, presented his paper, “An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Data Privacy Law in the United States and European Union,” at the annual conference of the Academy of Legal Studies in Business Aug. 16 in Nashville, Tenn. Kalis’ paper was selected for presentation as part of the Outstanding Student Paper competition and will be one of three student papers published in the Academy of Legal Studies in Business 2003 National Conference Proceedings. Kalis worked with Associate Professor Susan Marsnik, Department of Legal Studies in Business, during spring semester 2003 as part of an Undergraduate Research and Collaboration Grant he received from the University of St. Thomas and the Bush Foundation. Kalis works as a consultant for Accenture.
Dr. Mitch Kusy, Department of Organization Learning and Development, was the keynote speaker at the Annual Quality Utilization Forum in Minneapolis. This was the second time Kusy was asked to keynote at this conference attended by physician executives, nurse managers and other health care leaders. The title of his address was, “Eight Leadership Myths of Organizational Change and Their Effective Antidotes.” Kusy also was the keynote speaker at the June 18 annual conference of the Minnesota Health Care Quality Professionals. The title of his address was: “Bypassing Intuition to Lead Change: Research Practices That Work!”
Dr. Lorman Lundsten and Dr. Dave Brennan, Marketing Department, presented, “Is the Mall of America a Disruptive Innovation?” at the 10th Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science Conference Aug. 9 in Portland, Ore.
Dr. Mark Neuzil, Journalism and Mass Communication Department, was a panelist at the Center for Innovative Teaching July 18 at the University of Victoria, Victoria, B.C. The panel’s theme was “Swinging From Fuel Cells to Fish Farms: A Panel Discussion on Environmental Journalism.”
Dr. Mary Reichardt, English Department and Catholic Studies Program, is the author of a new book, Exploring Catholic Literature, published this month by Sheed and Ward (an imprint of Rowman and Littlefield publishers). A critical guide released in both hardback and paperback, the book consists of 12 original essays on masterworks of literature ranging from Augustine’s Confessions
Dr. Gerald Schlabach, Theology Department, had these articles published: “Clarity, Obfuscation and What Mennonites Should Learn From Weigel Anyway” in the June issue of Mennonite Life, Vol. 58, No. 2; and the summary essay in The Conference on Lived Theology and Civil Courage: A Collection of Essays (pages 49-50, Charlottesville, Va.: The Project on Lived Theology, 2003). He was part of a panel presentation on “Lived Theology and Power” at the
Civil Courage June 13 in Charlottesville, Va.
Sarah Spencer, International Education, attended the 55th annual NAFSA: Association for International Education conference in late May in Salt Lake City. She presented in a workshop, “Preparing Faculty to Direct Programs Abroad,” as well as the session, “SECUSSA’s Pathways to the Profession: Who We Are and How We Got Here.” She is also the current representative of the Section on U.S. Students Abroad (SECUSSA), a nationally elected position on NAFSA’s Committee on Education and Training.
Terri Topness, Registrar’s Office, presented an academic paper, “Mixing Elements of Art, Autobiography and Alchemy in James Joyce’s ‘Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and Ulysses,’ ” at the American Conference for Irish Studies national meeting in June at UST.
Dr. Fred Zimmerman, Graduate Programs in Engineering and Technology Management, and Dave Beal of the St. Paul Pioneer Press were the keynote speakers at the Summer Leadership Conference of the National Association of Manufacturing Associations. They presented a synopsis of their book, Manufacturing Works: The Vital Link Between Production and Prosperity. Their book has figured meaningfully in position papers relating to the importance of manufacturing to the general welfare of the nation. These reports have been and are being released by the National Association of Manufacturers to members of Congress and the Bush Administration.
Zimmerman also participated in the Manufacturers’ Round Table on Medical Product Manufacturers that was sponsored by the U.S. Department of Commerce. Grant Aldonas, Under Secretary of the International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, conducted the round table and has been charged with preparing a report on U.S. manufacturing competitiveness. The round table was held July 14 at UST’s Minneapolis campus.
Zimmerman delivered the keynote speech at the Spindles Conference at the annual meeting of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers May 28 in Dearborn, Mich. The title of his talk was “Prosperity and Production.”