Professional notes
Dr. Mel Gray, Economics Department, recently attended the annual meeting of the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action in Los Angeles, where he participated in two panels. In the first, a colloquy titled "Toward a Comprehensive Theory of Nonprofit Finance," he presented his work on "Gifts in Kind: Doing Good by Cleaning House?" The second panel addressed "Nonprofit Management Education in the United States: Reflections on Current Contexts and Future Directions," and his presentation was titled "From Specialized Curriculum to Mainstreaming: Useful Integration? Or, Lost in the Shuffle?"
Cindy Lavorato, School of Education, contributed the introduction and commentary, "Employee Speech Versus the Establishment Clause: Eighth Circuit Decides in Favor of Employee Speech, Wigg v. Sioux Falls School District, 4905, 832 F3d 807 (8th Cir. 2004)" in the November 2004 issue of School Law Reporter. Lavorato has a J.D. degree.
Dr. Shirley Polejewski, Accounting Department, College of Business, presented two papers on international accounting issues at the 16th Asian Pacific Conference in Seoul, South Korea. More than 300 participants from more than 30 countries presented more than 100 papers. During the conference Polejewski moderated two sessions.
Dr. Dawn Swink, Legal Studies in Business Department, presented a paper, "Who Are You Really? E-Commerce and Identity Theft," at the 2004 annual conference of the Academy of Business Disciplines Nov. 11 in Fort Myers, Fla. She also served as a discussant for a session on student performance and grading.