Professional notes
Dr. Catherine Craft-Fairchild, English Department, presented a paper, "The Director Who Didn't Make the Cut: Alfred Hitchcock and the Vatican Film List," at the Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities. The essay examined the influence of Hitchcock's Catholicism on his filmmaking, tracing shifts in the director's moral outlook as his career advanced from "Notorious" (1946) through "Marnie" (1964).
Dr. Mitchell Kusy, Organization Learning and Development Department, and Dr. Louellen Essex, College of Business, are authors of a new book, Breaking the Code of Silence (Rowman & Littlefield Publishing, 2005). Based on a three-year research study of successful leaders throughout the United States, the book identifies the seven critical mistakes leaders make and the strategies they use to rebound from them. In addition, the authors identify two fatal errors from which a rebound is next to impossible. Watch for news about a St. Thomas book-signing event as well as several already scheduled in Australia, New Zealand, England and major U.S. cities.
Dr. Ernest Owens, Management Department, College of Business, has obtained the Project Management Professional certification from the Project Management Institute. PMI is project management's leading professional association.
Dr. David Penchansky, Theology Department, has been appointed to the editorial board of the Catholic Biblical Quarterly. His responsibilities will include reviewing articles for publication and participation in the journal's annual editorial meeting.
Dr. Richard Smith, Quantitative Methods and Computer Science Department, is cited in a column by Michael Schrange of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Media Lab in the March issue of Technology Review. The column, "The Password is Fayleyure," discusses Smith's analysis of why password security policies often fail to improve password security.
Dr. Fred Zimmerman, School of Engineering, gave a talk, "The Importance of Manufacturing," to the Robbinsdale Kiwanis Club on Feb. 7. He stressed the link between declining manufacturing and governmental budget deficits and escalating social problems.