Professional notes
Dr. Stephen Brookfield, School of Education, is the author of a chapter, "Overcoming Impostorship, Cultural Suicide and Lost Innocence: Implications for Teaching Critical Thinking in a Community College," in Critical Thinking: Unfinished Business (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2005), edited by C. McMahon.
Dr. Mel Gray, Economics Department, recently attended the annual meeting of the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action in Washington, D.C. He presented his recent work on giving-in-kind charitable donations at a colloquy, Nonprofit Finance – Bridging Theory and Practice. In addition, he was elected secretary of ARNOVA's Social Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Section.
Dr. Janet Grochowski, Health and Human Performance Department, and Dr. Meg Wilkes Karraker, Sociology and Criminal Justice Department, are the authors of Families With Futures: A Survey of Family Studies for the 21st Century (Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence A. Erlbaum & Associates, 2006).
Dr. Shersten Johnson, Music Department, is the author of an article, "Britten's Musical Syllables," in the November issue of Music & Letters. The article "combines studies of Benjamin Britten's sketches and libretto drafts for his opera, 'Death in Venice,' with recent perspectives from phonology and cognitive poetics to demonstrate how musico-phonemic transformations of key words enact dramatic developments and shape a character's acoustical persona."
Dr. Luz Saavedra, Economics Department, presented a paper, "Yardstick Competition vs. Common Shocks: A Reassessment Using U.S. States' Income Tax Liability Data," co-written with Brad Wilson, at the 2005 North American meetings of the Regional Science Association International, Nov. 10-12 in Las Vegas.