Professional notes
Dr. Camille George, School of Engineering, was invited to speak at the North Section conference and meeting of Engineers Without Borders March 25. She spoke on "Sustainable Technology, Intercultural Awareness and Interdisciplinary Collaborations."
Dr. William Kinney, Sociology and Criminal Justice Department, gave a presentation, "The Use of Mock Trials as a Teaching Technique in Small College Classes," at the 69th annual meeting of the Southern Sociological Society March 23-26 in New Orleans. He also presided over sessions on "Inequality at Work" and "Race, Individualism and the Law."
Dr. Jeff McLean, Mathematics Department, attended the International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics March 16-18 in Orlando, Fla. He was one of 10 participants invited to join a calculus focus group during the meeting.
Dr. Sarah Noonan and Dr. Tom Fish, School of Education, presented a paper, "Leadership and Story," at the annual conference of the American Association of School Administrators in February. Describing story as central to the human experience, the paper explains the need for leaders to be aware of the nature and power of story, particularly its capacity to make meaning of life experiences, reveal potential and move people to authentic action.