Dr. Vanessa Cornett-Murtada, Music Department, College of Arts and Sciences, is the author of “From Beta to Theta: Human Consciousness, Hypnosis and Music Performance,” published in College Music Symposium 49-50 (2010/11),an anniversary volume celebrating 50 years of the College Music Society.
Dr. Mark DelCogliano, Theology Department, College of Arts and Sciences, is the author of "Basil of Caesarea on the Primacy of the Name 'Son,’” published in Revue des Études Augustiniennes et Patristiques 57 (2011): 45-69.
Dr. Bruce Gleason, Graduate Programs in Music Education, is the author of the ninth annual edition of Research and Issues in Music Education.
Marianne Hageman and Talia Nadir, UST Libraries, presented “Transition ... Then What? Faculty Perceptions of Information Literacy Skills of Undergraduates,” Oct. 14, at the annual conference of the Minnesota Library Association in Duluth, Minn. Their session was based on a survey of St. Thomas faculty perceptions of the information literacy skills of undergraduate students enrolled in their introductory research classes.
Dr. Michael Hollerich, Theology Department, College of Arts and Sciences, is the translator of Erik Peterson's Theologische Traktate in the Stanford University Press series “Cultural Memory in the Present.”
Father Jan Michael Joncas, Catholic Studies Department, College of Arts and Sciences, is the co-author, with Father Michael Driscoll, associate professor of theology at the University of Notre Dame, of The Order of Mass: A Roman Missal Study Edition and Workbook (Chicago, IL: Liturgy Training Publications, 2011); and an extensive foreward to Delores Dufner's most recent collection of hymn texts, And Every Breath A Song (Chicago, IL: GIA, Inc, 2011) 4-9; and a four-CD set of recordings titled “Learning the Chants of the Missal: Part I The Order of Mass” (Chicago, IL: Liturgy Training Publications, 2011).
Dr. Thomas Redshaw, Emeritus Professor of English, is the author of a review-article titled “The Living Voice,” published in in the September 2011 issue of Poetry Ireland / Éigse Éireann. The article compares and contrasts two prodigious anthologies of Irish poetry: Wes Davis’s Anthology of Modern Irish Poetry (Harvard University Press) and Patrick Crotty’s Penguin Book of Irish Poetry.
Faculty from the Modern and Classical Languages Department, College of Arts and Sciences, presented papers at the 65th annual convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association held Oct. 6 through 8, in Scottsdale, Ariz. Dr. Valentine Pakis presented "Vampyroteuthis Infernalis, the Xenotext Experiment, and the Folly of (Human) Art." Dr. Paul A. Schons presented the paper, “Nietzsche: Why Be Moral?” And Dr. Habiba Hadziavdic, organized and chaired the conference session, “The Intersection of German Literature and Philosophy.”
Several staff members from the Division of Student Affairs participated in the 2011 Minnesota College Personnel Association annual conference held Oct. 20-21, at William Mitchell College of Law: Margaret Cahill and Aaron Macke co-presented “Turn Failures into Successes”; Nate Peterson and Antonia Grant led a roundtable discussion on supervising graduate students; Josh Hengemuhle presented, “Civility NEAR Campus: Educating Students to Be Positive Community Members in the Communities Around Our Campus”; and Karen Lange was a part of the Senior Student Affairs Panel. MCPA Conference Committee members include St. Thomas staff Meghan Karels and Katie Olson as well as St. Thomas graduate students Stephanie Atkinson, Sarah Churchill, Caitlin Conley, Katy Moore and Jonathan Tischler. 2011-12 MCPA board members include Margaret, Cahill, Antonia Grant, Bryan Helminiak, Katie Olson and Nate Peterson.