T. Dean Maines, president of the Veritas Institute of the Opus College of Business, presented “Institutionalizing Catholic Identity in Catholic Healthcare Institutions: Assessment and Evaluation using the Catholic Identity Matrix,” Sept. 18, at Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas. His lecture was sponsored by the Benedictine College Institute for Professional Ethics and Responsibility.
Dr. Nathaniel (Nat) Nelson, Graduate School of Professional Psychology, is the primary author of a paper, “Neuropsychological Outcomes of U.S. Veterans With Report of Remote Blast-Related Concussion and Current Psychopathology,” published in the Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society (JINS) in September 2012. In collaboration with research colleagues of the Minneapolis VA Health Care System, Nelson was also the primary author of two book chapters on issues related to traumatic brain injury and explosive blasts in the 2012 edited volume, Neuropsychological Practice for Veterans (S.S. Bush, Ed.), Springer, New York.
Dr. John Wendt, Ethics and Business Law Department, Opus College of Business, and Dr. John Miller of Troy University are co-authors of an article titled "The Lack of Risk Communication at an Elite Sports Event: A Case Study of the FINA 10 K Marathon Swimming World Cup" that has been accepted for publication by the International Journal of Sport Communication.