Kathryn Combs, Graduate School of Business, presented her paper, "The Welfare Effects of Research and Production Joint Ventures," at the Southern Economic Association's annual meeting Nov. 11 in Washington, D.C.
Dr. Thomas Endres, Communication Department, attended the National Communication Association convention Nov. 9-12 in Seattle. He presented a poster/paper session, "A Theologically Reflective Model of Small-Group Decision-Making and Problem-Solving," based on work from his recently completed maxi-grant and master of arts in pastoral studies degree. He also was a panelist in the session, "The State Speech/Communication Association: Defining a Role -- Meeting a Need," and chaired the panel, "Micro Issues in Group Communication." He also served as a delegate to the Lambda Pi Eta National Communication Honor Society, and as the Minnesota representative to both NCA and the Central States Communication Association states advisory councils.
Nick Nissley, School of Education, was among members of the Academy of Management who exhibited artwork at the academy's annual meeting this past summer in Toronto. Nissley created his stained-glass artwork during an organization development intervention that he facilitated for two emerging healthcare organizations. His research, teaching and consulting interests focus on organizational aesthetics -- how art can inform understanding of organizational life. Take a look.
Dr. Richard Raschio, Modern and Classical Languages Department, chaired the session, "Computer Applications in English and Foreign Languages," at the annual conference of the South Central Modern Languages Association in San Antonio, Texas. Raschio also was a member of the roundtable discussion, "National Foreign Language Standards: Transforming Practice in Schools and Universities.
Dr. Gene Scapanski, School of Continuing Studies and St. Paul Seminary School of Divinity, presented a paper, "Adult Learning, Theological education and Distance Education," at a national invitational colloquium Nov. 3-4 at the University of Dayton. The colloquium brought together U.S. Catholic colleges and universities who are using distance learning in the teaching of theology and religious education. The papers are scheduled to be published in a book next spring.
Dr. Ivancica Schrunk, History Department, is the author of an article, "Roman Estates on the Island of Brioni, Istria," published in the Journal of Roman Archaeology, Vol. 13, pages 253-276. The article was co-authored with Schrunk's sister, Vlasta Begovic, at the Institute for Archaeology of the University of Zagreb, Croatia. Another co-authored article on the architecture of the Roman villas on Brioni was published in Croatian in Opuscula Archaeologica, Vol. 23-24.
Joanna Zachman, pastry chef and baker in the St. Thomas Food Service, has a recipe for poppy-seed cake with orange-blossom essence and marmalade curd published in the November issue of Chef, a food professionals' magazine. One look at a picture of the result is making us crave the cake in the caf, Joanna!