Learning is life-long; take it from leading business thinkers and strategists. The Wall Street Journal recently posted thisarticle where notable business professors such as Warren Bennis, from USC and Jeffrey Pfeffer, from Standford, shared what books top their lists as must reads for anyone seeking success in the business world.
Research and acquisition of new knowledge should be sought long after the MBA is earned and the desired position title is landed. True game changers are constantly reading and learning from their surroundings. This list provides some good reads that just might teach a new nugget of information not gleaned through class lectures, projects, or research papers. Insight can come from the most unexpected places, take Ray Fisman’s (Colombia Business School) suggestion of the children’s classic, “Frog and Toad Together.” Why? Because it shows the importance of understanding one’s own weaknesses.
What books make the top of your list?
Cross-posted from the Opus College of Business Career Link Blog.