Author and professor Dr. William Cavanaugh will discuss “Religious Freedom and the Security State” in a 7 p.m. lecture Monday, Feb. 24, in the auditorium of the O’Shaughnessy Educational Center on the St. Paul campus of the University of St. Thomas.
The lecture, free and open to the public, is sponsored by the Terrence J. Murphy Institute for Catholic Thought, Law, and Public Policy.
Cavanaugh, who taught at St. Thomas for 15 years, is now professor of Catholic studies and director of the Center for World Catholicism and Intercultural Theology at DePaul University.
In his lecture, Cavanaugh will discuss the benefits and potential pitfalls of the U.S. bishops' appeal to religious freedom in opposing the contraceptive portion of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services mandate in the broader context of U.S. politics.
Cavanaugh is the author or editor of several books, including The Myth of Religious Violence (Oxford, 2009), The Blackwell Companion to Political Theology (Blackwell, 2003), and Torture and Eucharist (Blackwell, 1998).
More information about the lecture is available on the Murphy Institute’s website.