Second brown-bag round table on ‘Conflicts in Africa ’ is Thursday
Following the success of its first roundtable on Oct. 27, the Justice and Peace Studies program will host a second discussion of conflicts in Africa from 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 10, in Room 152, Murray-Herrick Campus Center. Featured presenters are UST students Alexander Miamen from the Ivory Coast, Alex Atwine from Uganda and Hailemichael Berhane from Eritrea.
Each speaker will present a 10-minute summary of the conflicts in their countries, followed by discussion. Anyone interested is welcome to stop in at anytime during the discussion and share their own perspectives.
Every one of these conflicts is too complicated to express in just 10 minutes or even an hour, and Africa is very large and complex, so these roundtables are just a beginning for longer dialogues aimed at helping solve the problems of the world community.
For more information, contact Michael Andregg, (651) 962-5907, or the JPST program, (651) 962-5325.