Gabriela Garcia is one of only a few spoken-word artists who can speak of revolution and do it with style. An international performer and award-winning poet born to Cuban parents, her poetry has taken her to places such as South Africa, Cuba, Brazil, Switzerland and across the United States.

Gabriela Garcia
STAR (St. Thomas Activities and Recreation) is sponsoring a performance by Garcia on Wednesday, March 2. The event will begin at 9 p.m. in Scooter’s. Read her biography and hear selections from her spoken-word poetry on the Gabriela Garcia Medina website.
The artist’s poetry ranges from topics as serious as social injustices to talking about her lingerie. She has inspired audiences at colleges, festivals and churches since 2007 – quotations of her work have found a home on the walls of actress Eva Longoria’s new restaurant, Besos, in Los Angeles. Dove and Toyota have featured Garcia’s poetry and performance in their national ads.
She has written two books: Ink-Scribing Oshun and In the Wake of Oya. She was the lead actress in the Smokin’ Mirrors Production of “Students Like Us,” a film that addresses the structural and institutional difficulties affecting Latinos in higher education.
Garcia has performed at many events such as the Yale University Peabody Museum for its annual Martin Luther King Jr. Festival in 2007 and throughout the country for Women’s History Month, Latino Heritage Month, Human Trafficking Awareness Week, among others.