Symposium on Race, Inclusion and Culture to focus on implications for 'Access and Inclusion' in higher education
The Office of Institutional Diversity will host the first annual Symposium on Race, Inclusion, and Culture as a forum for students, professionals and practitioners to present research, programs and projects. The one-day conference was created to: (1) advance the academic mission, (2) contribute to ongoing discourse on matters relevant to higher education, (3) provide an opportunity for interdisciplinary research and practices to be shared, and (4) increase awareness of diverse perspectives.
The symposium will be held from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Friday, April 20, at the University of St. Thomas’ Opus College of Business in St. Paul. Registration forms are due by April 1, 2007, and can be downloaded from the Office of Institutional Diversity’s web site.
The registration packages are as follows:
- $25 Conference with lunch
- $15 Conference without lunch
- $10 UST faculty, staff or students with lunch
- FREE UST faculty, staff or students without lunch
- $5 One-day parking permit for non-UST attendees
About the conference
The Symposium on Race, Inclusion and Culture (SYMRIC) will be an annual one-day conference engaging professionals and students – across disciplines and practices – on academic, social, cultural, political and economic matters as they relate to the conference theme. The inaugural conference will explore natural, national and international disasters from the first half (2000-2005) of the first decade. These post-events include: 9-11 (2001), U.S. Supreme Court decisions in the University of Michigan affirmative action cases (2003), and Hurricane Katrina (2005). The conference sessions will focus on the event's aftermath and impact on access and inclusion issues for higher education.
Abstract submissions: March 26 deadline
Abstracts will be accepted that accentuate the theme of the symposium, "Natural, National and International Disasters: Implications for Access and Inclusion in Higher Education," including topics that address: language/ESL, health or public policy, environmental, education, business, politics, law or government, media, urban planning or any social disasters that follow. All accepted papers or presentations (abstracts) MUST be timed and limited to 15 minutes. Each panel will consist of three to four panelists. Instructions for submitting abstracts must adhere to the following specifications:
- Abstract title,
- Proposal description,
- Learning objectives,
- Solutions, methods, models, or examples,
- Work must be cited and credited according to standard academic requirements,
- Provide a brief biographical sketch, and
- Submit electronically to Jackie Elvehjem or by mail to:
Office of Institutional Diversity, University of St. Thomas
Mail AQU 104-A
2115 Summit Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55105
Please be sure to indicate which track (race, inclusion or culture) your topic best fits and level of difficulty (introductory, intermediate or advanced). Also note what your presentation needs will be on the Call for Abstract Submission form. Please download this form. Information provided will be used in the conference program should the abstract be approved. Papers will be reviewed by a committee for acceptance. Presentations may be combined to facilitate panel discussions. Due to budgetary consideration, it is not possible to offer an honorarium or waive registration fees to program presenters. All non-UST accepted presentations will be expected to register and pay appropriate fees.