Massimo Faggioli
September 18
Bishop Keane Institute, Hampton, Virginia
“Pope Francis and Contemporary Catholicism”
Fr. Thaddeus Wojcik
September 20, 2015
9 - 10am Adult Ed
Holy Trinity Orthodox
“The Jewish Community at the time of Jesus”
Ted Ulrich
September 24
7:00 - 8:15 p.m.
The Church of the Assumption, Richfield
“What Led to the Second Vatican Council’s Document on Interfaith Relations?
Fr. Thaddeus Wojcik
September 29, 2015
St George Orthodox Church
Prep for Conversion
Michael Hollerich
October 5
Corpus Christi, Roseville
The Papacy and the Office of Peter: Three Moments in History: “Who is buried in Peter’s grave?”
Catherine Cory
October 6
6:30-8:30 pm
Basilica of St. Mary
RCIA program on “The Christian Scriptures”
Massimo Faggioli
October 6-7
Killeen Chair Lecture, St. Norbert College
“Pope Francis and Vatican II”
Kimberly Vrudny
October 11
11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
St. Edward’s Catholic Church
“Denominational Difference: What is All the Fuss About?”
Thomas J. Bushlack
Oct. 11 & 18
9:30-11 am
Basilica of St. Mary
“Living the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy in the Year of Mercy”
Catherine Cory
October 11, 18, and 25
9:15-10:15 am
Westminster Presbyterian “Jesus, the Logos and Definitive Revealer of God’s Word”
Catherine Cory
October 13, 20, 17, November 3, 10, 17, 24
9:30-11:00 am
Church of the Risen Savior, “Wisdom Literature”
Michael Hollerich
October 12
Corpus Christi, Roseville
The Papacy and the Office of Peter: Three Moments in History: “1054 and all that; parting of the ways”
Kimberly Vrudny
October 13
6:30-8:30 p.m.
Basilica of St. Mary
“The Creed”
Barbara Sain
October 31
2:00 pm
University of Notre Dame
“Academic Freedom, the Unity of Truth, and the Sensus Fidei”
Massimo Faggioli
October 16-17
Northwestern University
“Francis and John XXIII”
David Penchansky
October 18
9:30-10:30 a.m.
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
“Three Faces of Mary in Three Faith Traditions of the World”
Michael Hollerich
October 19
Corpus Christi, Roseville
The Papacy and the Office of Peter: Three Moments in History: “Pius XII: Not ‘Hitler’s Pope’”
Kimberly Vrudny
October 20
6:30-8:30 p.m.
Basilica of St. Mary
RCIA Program
“The Trinity”
Angela Senander
October 22-24
St. John’s University (NY)
International Vincentian Business Ethics Conference:
“The United Nations and Pope Francis in Dialogue about the Environment: Implications for Business”
Angela Senander
October 26-29
Catholic University, Leuven, Belgium, “From Priestly Formation to Ministerial Formation: The Letter and Spirit of Vatican II”
Fr. Thaddeus Wojcik
October 27, 2015
St George Orthodox Church
Prep for Conversion
Massimo Faggioli
October 31-November 2
University of Iowa
“Pope Francis and the Church of Today”
Kimberly Vrudny
November 3
6:30-8:30 p.m.
Basilica of St. Mary
RCIA Program
“The Reformation”
Elaine Catherine MacMillan
November 6-7
Loyola University Chicago
“In Memory of Them: The Six Women Drafters of Gaudium et Spes”
Angela Senander
November 6-7
Loyola University Chicago
“The Role of Women Professors in Priestly Formation Fifty Years after Vatican II”
Elaine Catherine MacMillan
November 12
Corpus Christi Church/St Rose of Lima Church
7:00-9:00 p.m
“The Women Who Drafted Gaudium et Spes”
Massimo Faggioli
November 14
Liverpool, UK
“From Vatican II to Pope Francis”
Fr. Thaddeus Wojcik
November 14, 2015
9am - 1pm
St Mary’s Greek Orthodox Church - Minneapolis
Advent Adult Retreat - Christ Coming Into the World
Fr. Thaddeus Wojcik
November 21, 2015
MaclaurinCSF St Paul Campus [U of M] 1337 Cleveland Ave N, St Paul, MN 55108
Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage in the Orthodox Church
Massimo Faggioli
December 6-8
Munich, Germany
Keynote for Vatican II Conference
Massimo Faggioli
December 13 and 20
Basilica of St. Mary, Minneapolis
“Pope Francis and the Year of Mercy”
From “theology matters,” a newsletter of the Department of Theology. Subscribe here.