This is Healthy Relationships Week
The Wellness Center is sponsoring events to celebrate Healthy Relationships Week Feb. 12-16.
Wellness Heart Medallion Hunt begins
As a fun activity promoting healthy relationships, there will be a wooden heart hidden somewhere on the UST campus.
Clue 1
You will find the heart on the beautifully landscaped university grounds once used as a setting for two motion pictures.
"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart." – Helen Keller
Additional clues and tips will be posted on the Wellness Center Web site each day until the heart is found. They also will be posted on the door of the center in Room 113, lower level, Koch Commons.
The person who finds the wooden heart must return it to the Wellness Center to be awarded a "Grand Night on the Town," which includes a $20 gift certificate to the Bonfire restaurant and two movie tickets.
Feb. 13 Fruity Tuesday Valentine's Day card-making
Fruity Tuesday will be celebrated from 10 to 11 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 13, in the Commuter Center, lower level, Murray-Herrick Campus Center. Stop by to create your own Valentine's Day cards to be sent to the special people in your life. Enjoy fresh fruit while creating your V-Day card and pick up informational packets on relationships.
Feb. 14 – Valentine's Day card-making at Koch Commons
Come to Koch Commons from 1 to 3 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 14, for another chance to create an amazing Valentine's Day card.