All of the following courses are free for University of St. Thomas staff and faculty. There is no deadline to register; however, classes fill quickly and some sessions are waitlisted.
Full course descriptions in their entirety can be found by visiting the Leadership Academy website. Sign in to register using your UST username and password.’
Noon-1 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 1
“Networking Basics – Overcoming Obstacles and Creating Connections”
This class will explore what networking is and why it matters for professional development. What are the barriers to networking both practical and emotional? How do I overcome those barriers to identify good networking opportunities? As part of the program we will do an interactive networking exercise.
9 a.m.-noon Wednesday, Nov. 2
“The Art of Giving and Receiving Feedback"
Even though feedback that is presented in a constructive and respectful way can be very helpful and strengthen our relationships with others, most of us find critical feedback difficult to receive. Learning how to keep a nondefensive and open attitude to feedback and developing your skills in giving and receiving feedback in specific situations can lead you and your team to optimal performance.
9-11 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 9
“Facebook 101”
It’s official. Facebook is not just a trend. With half a billion Facebook members online, it’s important for communicators at St. Thomas to understand how our constituents are using this tool to communicate with us and how we can best use it to communicate with them. This course will provide you with a foundation of knowledge about Facebook and give you more information about how you can get started using it for your department or organization at St. Thomas.
Noon-1 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 10
“Handle Stress Before it Handles You”
Stress, successfully managed, can increase your productivity and creativity. Stress, poorly managed, will cause physical and emotional illness and could lead you to failure. Isn’t it about time you did something about the stress in your life? Join Dr. Tim Fargo as he discusses ways to “Handle Stress Before it Handles You.”
9:30-11 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 16
“Democratizing Meetings”
In this interactive session Stephen Brookfield will demonstrate a number of practical techniques that, if implemented properly, can lift meetings out of the predictable rut into which they often fall. All these techniques are designed to elicit input from the widest range of possible voices and to open up the agenda to new and surprising perspectives. A minimum of 15 attendees is required for this session.
9 a.m.-noon Wednesday, Dec. 7
“Working with Multiple Generations”
This session will help you gain a basic understanding of the differences among the generations but more importantly how to recognize the strengths of each and how to leverage those strengths. Participants will have an opportunity to stand “in the shoes” of generations other than their own in order to enhance their skills in communication and motivation of all generations.
Noon-2 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 8
“Facebook II”
This course is designed for active administrators of UST Facebook groups and pages. Topics to be addressed: Facebook ads, engaging your audience, Facebook insights, revisiting university brand maintenance and tapping into “check ins.”
Online courses also are available for MS Office Suite and Business Professional training.
For access to these courses, or for more information, contact the Leadership Academy, (651) 962-6900.