UST in the News

UST in the news

Here's a roundup of recent St. Thomas mentions of interest in various media. Read the stories by clicking on the links. Links do expire and change as papers move stories to “archive” status, and if links have expired, you're welcome to purchase access to the stories or use a search engine such as Lexis Nexis, available on the UST Libraries' Web site. In some cases, you’ll need to register on the publication’s Web site in order to access full text.

If you see a story about St. Thomas and would like us to include mention of it, be sure to drop us a note at

  • "Colleges should know it's not open mic night," St. Paul Pioneer Press, Oct. 10, 2007.   Here's columnist Joe Soucheray's take on the Tutu controversy.
  • "Inviting progress," St. Paul Pioneer Press, Oct. 11, 2007. "It's hard to trust somebody who's never taken heat for a big mistake. Everybody makes 'em, but not everybody owns up to them - and even fewer take the coarse straw of a mistake and spin it into gold. But in changing his mind about inviting Archbishop Desmond Tutu to speak at the University of St. Thomas, that's what the Rev. Dennis Dease has done."
  • "Minnesota Poll: One year after election, Sen. Klobuchar is riding high," Star Tribune, Oct. 10, 2007. "Angela High-Pippert, an associate professor of political science at the University of St. Thomas, said that so far, Klobuchar has managed to cut across the usual public perception of politicians. 'People see her as someone who does her homework and offers a fresh perspective,' High-Pippert said. 'She's not out there showboating, but she's still able to get things done.'"
  • "Bleak predictions for justice in Minnesota, report says," Star Tribune, Oct. 10, 2007. "At today's event, small groups will develop steps for each of the goals. Those steps will then be discussed by a panel led by state Court of Appeals Judge Natalie Hudson. Panel members include: Bill Green, Minneapolis schools superintendent; Eric Janus, dean of the William Mitchell College of Law; Nekima Levy-Pounds, assistant professor at the University of St. Thomas School of Law, and Mitch Pearlstein, founder and president of the Center of the American Experiment."
  • "St. Thomas professor joins DFL Senate race," Star Tribune, Oct. 11, 2007. Dr. Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer, "a University of St. Thomas associate professor of justice and peace studies who lives in Minneapolis, said his campaign will be patterned after the grass-roots style of the late U.S. Sen. Paul Wellstone, down to the green-and-white motif of his campaign materials."
  • "Holiday tidings not so good for retailers," Star Tribune, Oct. 12, 2007. "'These things cloud people's feelings,' said Dave Brennan, co-director of the Institute for Retailing Excellence at the University of St. Thomas. 'Once you get into gloom and doom, it colors things. If there is uncertainty in the economy, consumers are not going to be as bullish.'"
  • "Nun led St. Catherine's through years of change," St. Paul Pioneer Press, Oct. 14, 2007. Sister Alberta Huber, C.S.J., president emerita of the College of St. Catherine, was 90.
  • "Flying out of the corporate safety nest," Star Tribune, Oct. 15, 2007. "If this sounds famil
    iar, that was one of the themes highlighted in last month's column on Sally Power, a management professor at the University of St. Thomas Opus College of Business and author of The Mid-Career Success Guide: Planning for the Second Half of Your Working Life."