“The Culture War Is Over,” Huffington Post, Sept. 24. Commentary by School of Law professor Charles Reid.
“Supply, demand raise metro home prices, but pace slows,” Pioneer Press, Sept. 24. Opus College of Business professor Herb Tousley is quoted.
“Twin Cities home prices gain, but more slowly,” Minnesota Public Radio, Sept. 24. Opus College of Business professor Herb Tousley is quoted.
“U.S. home prices rise 12.4%, most in 7½ years,” Finance and Commerce, Sept. 24. The Residential Real Estate Price Report Index by the Shenehon Center for Real Estate at the Opus College of Business is referenced.
“Median Home Prices Rising to Pre-Crash Levels in Metro,” KSTP, Sept. 24. Residential Real Estate Price Report Index by the Shenehon Center for Real Estate at the Opus College of Business is referenced.
“What the pope really said,” National Catholic Reporter, Sept. 25. Theology professor Massimo Faggioli is quoted.
“Interview: Protect My Rep,” KSTP, Sept. 25. The ThreeSixty Journalism program is referenced.
“4 Climate Myths You'll Hear This Week,” Mother Jones, Sept. 25. Engineering professor John Abraham is quoted.
“Sacred art exhibit spans seven centuries,” The Catholic Spirit, Sept. 26. The collection currently exhibited at the O’Shaughnessy Educational Center’s lobby gallery is featured.
“Report: Humans Likely Cause of Climate Change,” KSTP, Sept. 28. Engineering professor John Abraham is quoted.
“MNsure launches Tuesday, and state hopes for smooth sailing,” Pioneer Press, Sept. 29. National Institute of Health Policy director Dave Durenberger is quoted.
“Ask the consultant: Best way to build relationships?” Star Tribune, Sept. 29. Master of Business Communication program director Mike Porter is quoted.
“Franchise ownership is a retirement option,” Star Tribune, Sept. 29. Opus College of Business reporter Mark Spriggs is quoted.
“Latest warming report draws a line not to cross,” Minnesota Public Radio, Sept. 30. Engineering professor John Abraham is quoted.
“It’s fun to be Catholic again,” National Review Online, Sept. 30. The Center for Catholic Studies is mentioned.
“Burnsville shooting suspect has lengthy criminal record, string of second chances,” Pioneer Press, Sept. 30. School of Law professor Mark Osler is quoted.
“Tevlin: If Syria story is true, why is Minnesota news site hiding?” Star Tribune, Oct. 1. Theology adjunct professor Odeh Muhawesh is mentioned.
“Ask Matt: How can I use my old college in my job search?” Star Tribune, Oct. 1. Career Development Center director Diane Crist is quoted.
“Surge seen in number of multifamily projects in Twin Cities,” Star Tribune, Oct. 1. Opus College of Business professor Herb Tousley is quoted.
“How the Maker Movement is Making Engineering Cool Again,” Electronic Design, Oct. 2. Engineering professor Annmarie Thomas is mentioned.
“Living with ALS: Photos, technology change perspectives,” Minnesota Public Radio, Oct. 2. Former dean of the College of Education, Leadership and Counseling Bruce Kramer is featured.
“Eagan outlet mall names 19 new tenants,” Star Tribune, Oct. 3. Opus College of Business professor Dave Brennan is quoted.
“Pope Francis takes vision of church for poor to Assisi,” Hamilton Spectator, Oct. 3. Theology professor Massimo Faggioli is quoted.
“Are folk heroes best MNsure spokesmen?” Star Tribune, Oct. 5. Communication and Journalism professor John Purdy is quoted.
“Issues in Snowden case get smart airing at St. Thomas debate,” MinnPost, Oct. 4.
“For the Twin Cities, retaining and recruiting corporate headquarters is a scramble,” Pioneer Press, Oct. 5. Opus College of Business professor Dave Vang is quoted.
“Convictions, releases were prolific for Rosemount murder suspect,” Star Tribune, Oct. 5. School of Law professor Mark Osler is quoted.
“Ask the consultant: Should I organize my new company as a nonprofit?” Star Tribune, Oct. 6. Opus College of Business professor Mel Gray is quoted.
“Brand Tool Box aligns employees, customers,” Star Tribune, Oct. 6. Master of Business Communication program director Mike Porter is quoted.
“Living with ALS: A friend's death in the circle of life,” Minnesota Public Radio, Oct. 5. Former dean of the College of Education, Leadership and Counseling Bruce Kramer is featured.
“Recent Government Shutdown Could Hurt Seasonal Jobs,” KSTP, Oct. 7. Opus College of Business professor Dave Brennan is quoted.
“WCCO Discovers Pricing Problems At Walgreens,” WCCO, Oct. 7. Opus College of Business professor Dave Brennan is quoted.