The U.S. State Department has issued a Travel Alert pointing out that violence has increased recently in Mexico, and particularly near the U. S. border.
Travel Alerts are issued to disseminate information about short-term conditions, generally within a particular country, that pose imminent risks to the security of U.S. citizens. The Travel Alert describes recent violence, and provides guidance and additional information concerning travel in Mexico.
For more specific information on the alert and travel resources click on the links below:
- Travel Alert information from the U.S. State Department
- Additional information specifically regarding Spring Break in Mexico
- Report from the Overseas Security Advisory Council
In addition, any student who is considering doing any traveling over spring break can reduce potential risk to personal health and safety by taking the following precautions:
- Stay in well-known tourist areas of cities.
- Leave behind a complete itinerary with a friend or family member.
- Avoid traveling alone.
- Check in advance with your cellular provider to confirm that your cell phone is capable of roaming on GSM or 3G international networks.
- Do not display large amounts of money or valuable jewelry.
Have a safe and enjoyable spring break.