The new Anderson Student Center will open in January 2012. Scheduling Services will begin accepting requests for meetings or events in ASC through its online scheduling systems beginning on Aug. 29. The first date available for requesting a meeting or event will be Jan. 30, 2012. Schedulers can log on to Webviewer to search for and request space for their events and meetings.
Student clubs and organizations officially recognized by the Undergraduate Student Government (USG) will have priority in scheduling meeting space in ASC as follows:
- Student clubs will have until the second Monday of each semester to exercise their priority in requesting and booking space in ASC. Requests made for ASC space by nonstudent clubs will be held in a queue in the order received and processed in that order after the second Monday of the semester has passed. For example, for the 2011-12 academic year, priority for ASC room requests will be given to student clubs until the second Monday, which is Feb. 13, 2012. After that date, nonstudent club requests held in the queue will be processed.
- There will be no priority for student clubs or holds occurring on or between:
- commencement and the second Monday of fall semester
- the last day of finals in December and the second Monday of spring semester (including Jan. 30-Feb. 13, 2012)
- Priority scheduling for student clubs does not apply to requests made to reserve the Woulfe Alumni Hall, the Woulfe Lounge, the Hearth Room or the private dining rooms. Requests for these ASC spaces will be processed on the usual first-come, first-served basis.
For more information, contact Kimm Thiboldeaux, internal scheduling manager, Campus Scheduling Services, (651) 962-6673.