Center for Writing consultant applications available
Dr. Susan Callaway
Director, UST Center for Writing
The Center for Writing will look for students interested in working as peer writing consultants, beginning fall 2006. This will be an opportunity to work at a job at UST that is interesting, intellectually stimulating, and related to writing and learning.
You will help other students with their reading, writing and critical thinking for all kinds of courses, including: English, theology, philosophy, psychology and business, among many others. Consulting gives you insight into a variety of fields and disciplines and will affect another person’s learning. You need not be an English major (or intend to be one) to work in the center.
If you’d like to continue to improve your writing and gain experience that can impress future employers and graduate schools, consider becoming a peer writing consultant in the Center for Writing. Through the course required of all peer consultants, Writing Theory and Practice, you’ll also strengthen your writing and communication skills.
Applications are available now and are due Friday, March 10. If you’d like more information, call (651) 962-5601 or send us an e-mail.
As you begin your writing assignments early this semester, I recommend that you bring them to the center where they can be reviewed in a demonstration of how we work. Call us for an appointment at (651) 962-5601 or come to the center in Room 361, John R. Roach Center for the Liberal Arts. You also can check out the Center for Writing Web site.