CommUNITY Series Grants now Available

The University of St. Thomas CommUNITY Series is a yearly series of events designed to provide a range of educational and social programming that celebrates the university’s commitment to diversity and inclusion. Over the past several years many different types of programs, events and speakers have helped meet the goals of the series.

For spring semester 2011 the CommUNITY Series is offering grants to help cosponsor events that meet the goals of the project. These grants will be awarded to St. Thomas faculty, staff or student groups to support events during the spring semester that provide opportunities for the campus community to celebrate and engage across differences. In the spirit of the series and its mission, events must be held on campus and open to all.

The CommUNITY Series committee will accept applications beginning Dec. 8. Grants ranging from $2,000 to $5,000 will be awarded from Dec. 15 through Feb. 15 or until all the funds are exhausted. All funded events will be included in CommUNITY promotional efforts, including posters, websites and other materials. 

Applications can be found on the Institutional Diversity website or by clicking here.

This year the CommUNITY Series is a collaboration of Academic Affairs and Student Affairs. For more information contact Meghan Allen Eliason at the Center for Intercultural Learning and Community Engagement (CILCE).