Couples Retreat Feb. 16-18 can be a memorable Valentine's Day gift

Couples Retreat Feb. 16-18 can be a memorable Valentine's Day gift

The Couples Retreat is a weekend retreat for dating or engaged couples – at least one member of the couple must be a UST student. The weekend will be led by a married couple who will share their experiences of relationship and living out their faith.  

Through a series of sessions and questions, couples will be encouraged to discuss such areas as communication, spirituality, friendship, intimacy and attitude. Couples also will be given the opportunity to examine their relationships from a Christian perspective. Many couples have found this retreat rewarding and enriching. Participants also will enjoy the food and atmosphere of the Gainey Center in Owatonna , Minn., and the company of other UST student couples.

The Couples Retreat will be the weekend of Feb. 16-18, and is for men-women couples. Cost is $20 per couple; however, if cost presents a financial obstacle, e-mail Christina Crow in Campus Ministry to make other arrangements.

This retreat is sponsored by Campus Ministry. Sign-up begins today in the Campus Ministry office, Room 104, Murray-Herrick Campus Center.

For more information, e-mail Crow.