“Desert in the Coffeehouse," a film by Dr. Pamela Nice, associate director of Faculty Development, will be presented by the Council on Middle Eastern Studies (CMES) from noon to 1 p.m. Thursday, April 15, in Room 247, John R. Roach Center for the Liberal Arts.
“Desert in the Coffeehouse” asks two basic questions: What do Americans think about the Middle East, and do they see America as an empire? Minnesotans from a variety of backgrounds who were interviewed in coffeehouses across the Twin Cities reflect on these questions and on America's relationship with people in the Middle East.
“Desert in the Coffeehouse" has been shown at several film festivals internationally, including the Jordan Film Festival in Amman, Jordan, and at festivals in Berlin, New York, Toronto and elsewhere. It is used as an educational tool for Egyptian students at AMIDEAST in Cairo.
The film runs about 30 minutes and will be followed by discussion. Coffee and Middle Eastern treats will be served.
Nice also teaches Arab Film for the English Department.