'Pensions in Crisis: Can They Be Saved?' symposium will be held May 8 in Minneapolis
The private pension system in the United States is changing rapidly as many companies reduce their commitment to providing retirement benefits. Employers want more predictable costs, more flexibility and greater return on their investment. Employees want more security, ease of understanding and less risk. Can these divergent needs be met?
The University of St. Thomas is sponsoring a symposium, "Pensions in Crisis: Can They Be Saved? The Evolution and Future of the American Pension System," from 8:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Monday, May 8, in the auditorium of Schulze Hall, Minneapolis campus.
The symposium will highlight the reasons for the current situation and will discuss ideas on how the needs of employers and employees alike can be met. Panelists will identify the legislative and regulatory changes that would enable the success of these programs.
Panelists are:
- Jim Ramstad, U.S. Congressman, Minnesota
- Tobias C. Madden, regional economist, Federal Reserve, Minneapolis
- Tim Meginnes, vice president of compensation and benefits, Northwest Airlines
- Judy Stromback, principal, Deloitte Consulting, LLP
- Bill Gulliver, principal, Towers Perrin
Moderator is Scott Willman, Hewitt Associates, LLC.
- 8 a.m. Check in and continental breakfast
- 8:30-8:35 Welcome and introductions: Scott Willman
- 8:35-9 Opening remarks: Bill Gulliver
- 9-10:30 Panel discussion
- 10:30-10:45 Break (refreshments served)
- 10:45 a.m.-12:10 p.m. Panel discussion and questions and answers
- 12:10-12:15 Conclusions and wrap-up: Scott Willman
Who should attend?
Executives, human resource directors, pension and benefit managers, pension and benefit finance experts, and any person interested in the future of private pensions. The symposium is free and open to the public.
Reservations are preferred. Please contact Nancy Mulder at the University of St. Thomas, (651) 962-4241.
Symposium sponsors: Deloitte Consulting, LLP; University of St. Thomas Actuarial Science Program; Towers Perrin; and the E. W. Blanch Chair in Risk Management, University of St. Thomas.
Inquiries: Nancy Mulder, University of St. Thomas (651) 962-4241 or nkmulder@stthomas.edu.