First Fowler Business Concept Challenge invites competitors

The Schulze School of Entrepreneurship at St. Thomas' Opus College of Business announces the first  Fowler Business Concept Challenge, with a $10,000 scholarship for the winners.

Focused on energizing the entrepreneurial spirit of UST students across campuses and colleges, the competition will challenge students to develop a business concept that has the potential to become a viable, high-growth business. Teams that submit the winning business competition in each of two divisions (undergraduate and graduate) will receive $10,000 scholarships.

The Fowler Business Concept Competition will be held next month. It is open to all UST students registered for the fall 2009 semester, including undergraduate and graduate students and postdoctoral fellows.

Students will compete in teams of at least two but no more than five, registered in Undergraduate or Graduate divisions. Undergraduate division teams must comprise all undergraduate students. Teams registering in the Graduate division must have at least one currently registered UST graduate student (master’s or doctoral level) on the team. Other team members may be currently registered UST undergraduate students.

Information sessions about the competition are scheduled at 5 p.m. today, Sept. 23, in Room 152, Terrence Murphy Hall; 3 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 30, in the Koch Commons Fireside Room; or 5 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 30, in Room 355, Terrence Murphy Hall. Initial submissions are due Oct. 15. Final competition and winner selection will be held Oct. 30.

For more information and details, see the Fowler Business Concept Challenge Web page.