Health Service Offers two Flu-vaccination Clinics on St. Paul Campus

The St. Thomas Health Service will offer two flu-vaccination clinics on the St. Paul campus this week. The clinics will be held:

  • Thursday, Oct. 7
    8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
    Room LL12, Koch Commons (lower level)
  • Friday, Oct. 8
    8:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
    Fireside Room, Murray-Herrick Campus Center

The cost is $20 for all UST students, faculty and staff. Cash or checks are accepted. Students can also charge their student accounts.

Several other flu-vaccination clinics will be offered during the next two weeks on campus, which will be announced in Bulletin Today.

For more information call the Health Service, (651) 962-6750. More information about influenza and prevention tips are available here.