Geologist to give talk June 24
Paul Weiblen, professor emeritus in the N.H. Winchell School of Earth Sciences at the University of Minnesota, will give a free talk, "Minnesota's Rocks and Waters: What They Tell Us About Global Warming," at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 24, in Room 250, Owens Science Hall.
Weiblen taught at Minnesota from 1965 to 1997, when he researched Minnnesota's Precambrian geology and studied Moon samples collected by Apollo astronauts. During retirement he has led field trips on the geology of Minnesota and continued his research. In his talk on Wednesday he'll discuss the question of the relative importance of human activity on natural geologic processes.
Weiblen's presentation, free and open to the public, is part of a summer session interdisciplinary science course, Understanding the Natural World Using the Mississippi River as a Model. For more information, contact the instructor, Randy Knoche, (612) 722-6047.