Great Books Reading Group to discuss 'What's the University For?'
St. Thomas' Great Books Reading Group will discuss "What's the University For?" the theme for the fall 2000 issue of Hedgehog Review, a publication of the Institute for the Advanced Studies in Culture at the University of Virginia.
The group will meet from 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday, April 16, in Room 388, Owens Science Hall. Refreshments will be served.
Articles on the issue to be discussed, "What's the University For?" can be found on the Institute for the Advanced Studies in Culture Web page.
The Great Books Reading Group's tentative schedule for May and June:
- May 14: The Tin Drum, by Günter Grass
- June (date to be determined): Jesus Before Christianity, by Albert Nolan
Everyone is welcome. The books are available in the University of St. Thomas Bookstore. Look for the Great Books poster near the customer service desk.
For information or to make requests or comments, e-mail Dr. Thomas Tommet.