The 2010 Heart Hunt winners are Mallory Marcotte and Justina Debruzzi. They found the hidden heart yesterday and won a $100 gift card to Chino Latino, a $30 gift card to Comedy Sportz, flowers and chocolate.

Mallory Marcotte, left, and Justina Debruzzi were the finders of the hidden heart in this year's Heart Hunt.
This heart was located in the O’Shaughnessy-Frey Library Center on a second-floor book shelf next to What Happy Couples Do, a book by UST's Dr. Carol Bruess, an associate professor in the Communication and Journalism Department.
The Wellness Center wants to thank all who participated in this year's Heart Hunt. To participate in other events visit the Wellness Center Web site, or its facebook page: UST Wellness Center.
And don’t forget this Sunday is Valentine’s Day! Have a healthy and happy Valentine’s Day from everyone at the Wellness Center!