IRT today: IRT offers summer technology classes
From Information Resources and Technologies
Interested in learning how to use Blackboard tools to complement the classroom learning experience for your students? Our summer Blackboard class series would be a great way to get started.
The following instructional technologies classes will be offered for summer 2008. For full class descriptions, and to register for any of these classes, visit HR’s Leadership Academy, and click the link for Training Online.
Blackboard Design and Content Basics
This class explores both online teaching issues and the basics of building a Blackboard course. If you are new to Blackboard, this session is the place to start.
Tuesday, July 15 – 9-11:30 a.m.
LIB 208 (O’Shaughnessy-Frey Library Center)
Instructor: Lief Johnson
Blackboard Discussion Board
Learn how to use Blackboard’s Discussion Board, a communication tool for posting and responding to messages.
Wednesday, July 23 – 1:30-3:30 p.m.
LIB 208 (O’Shaughnessy-Frey Library)
Instructor: Lief Johnson
Blackboard Content System
Learn how the Blackboard Content System can help you more efficiently store, manage and share content within your Blackboard courses from within a central content repository. Participants should have a basic understanding of Blackboard, including how to access the Control Panel, how to add content areas to the course menu, and how to add items to a content area.
Tuesday, July 29 – 1:30-3:30 p.m.
TMH 442 (Terrence Murphy Hall, Minneapolis)
Instructor: Lief Johnson
Blackboard Self and Peer Assessment Tool
Learn how the new Self and Peer Assessment tool in Blackboard can be used to create an exercise, composed of one or more questions, each with one or more criteria, to be presented to your students for completion and evaluation. Participants should have a basic understanding of Blackboard, including how to access the Control Panel, how to add content areas to the course menu, and how to add items to a content area.
Wednesday, July 30 – 10:30 a.m.-noon
LIB 208 (O’Shaughnessy-Frey Library Center)
Instructor: Elizabeth Smith
Blackboard Grade Center
Learn how to use the Blackboard Grade Center to enter and manage grades for assignments, tests and other graded items within your Blackboard course.
Wednesday, August 27 – 9-11 a.m.
TMH 442 (Terrence Murphy Hall, Minneapolis)
Instructor: Lief Johnson
Note: Blackboard grades are for internal, Blackboard use only, and do not automatically appear in Murphy Online. Faculty must still enter mid-term and final grades directly through Murphy Online.