It's teeter-totter time!
Ireland Hall's 17th annual Teeter-Totter Marathon to benefit the Harriet Tubman Family Alliance also will feature a kick-off cookout and concert.
The 72-hour marathon of teeter-tottering will begin at 6 pm. Saturday, May 6, and end at 6 p.m. Tuesday, May 9, in the quad on the St. Paul campus.
Tubman Family Alliance provides an immediate safe haven at three emergency shelters and 11 transitional housing units for women and children in crisis. It also offers support services to men, women and children in Hennepin, Washington and suburban Ramsey counties.
The UST community may donate by either dropping money in the donation bucket at the teeter-totter or by sending checks to the Teeter-Totter Marathon, c/o Ireland Hall Council, Mail 5052.
A kick-off cookout will be held from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Saturday, May 6, in the upper quad of the St. Paul campus. Everyone is invited to this free event.
After the cookout, head over to O'Shaughnessy Educational Center auditorium to hear The Hopefuls, Minnesota Music Award winners, along with local band Mighty Fairly in concert until 11 p.m. Although the concert is free and open to the UST community, a cash donation is requested of those attending the concert to help raise money for the Tubman Family Alliance.
If you have questions about the teeter-totter events, contact Bryan Helminiak, Ireland Hall Council, (651) 497-2041.