Saturday, Nov. 6, marks the Feast of St. Martín de Porres, the patron saint of social justice and racial harmony. In honor of St. Martín's Day, the Twin Cities community can partake in a prayer walk. The Pilgrimiage for Racial Reconciliation will begin at Church of the Ascension and end at the Basilica of Saint Mary.
"There is a broader coalition going to do something together in the context of prayer but to confront the realities of the need for ongoing conversion of racial reconciliation," said Vice President for Mission Father Chris Collins.

In an effort to recognize that racial justice remains an issue, the walk intends to illustrate the fact our community has a long road ahead of healing and ultimately growth.
"We think this pilgrimage is a good opportunity for us to come together as a community to commit ourselves to the greater goal of trying to create some real understanding around these issues," said Dr. Yohuru Williams, Distinguished University Chair, professor of history and founding director of the Racial Justice Initiative.
The Pilgrimage for Racial Reconciliation will take place from 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 6. Learn more on TommieLink.