The 12th Annual Listening House Silent Auction is being organized and hosted by another great group of BUSN200 students. Thus far they have solicited more than $30,000 worth of items to be auctioned! These students work amazingly hard to create this event every year, and we would love to count on your support!
There are four great ways to help:
- Attend the event – from 6 to 9:30 p.m. Sunday, April 22, in the McNeely Hall Great Room. These students would LOVE to see their favorite faculty and staff at the event. Tickets are $10 for pre-K through graduate students and $20 for all others. Your $20 provides you with a dessert bar, two "adult" drinks and a night of great fun, as well as the chance to bid on more than 200 GREAT auction items! Tickets can be purchased at the door the night of the event. You'll even have a chance to bid on some incredible glass art created by Tom Hamilton from our very own Finance Department. A current list of our auction items (as of Saturday, April 14), listed by categories, can be viewed here.
- Feed the hungry bear! In McNeely Hall, Room 316, you will find a lovely "Bear Bank" that is hungry for donations. We will accept ALL change or bills that are cluttering your wallet. We also will be extremely happy to accept checks written to "Listening House." Or mail checks (payable to Listening House) to Dr. Barbara Gorski, Director of the BUSN200 program at: Mail #MCH128.
- Assist in organizing your department’s gift basket, which was recently requested.
- If you know any of this year's Silent Auction team, please thank them for their hard work. Listed below are the students who are on the 2012 Listening House Silent Auction team:
- Matt Arlien
- Anna Brenny
- Katie Corgiat
- Callie Daily
- Samantha Draeger
- Heather Grieve
- Courtney Hanousek
- Brittany Johnson
- Hilary Krekling
- Jacques LaCosse
- Justin Lind, project manager
- Tyler Lloyd
- David Niemeier
- Luis Simbbarra
For more information about Listening House, which is a day and evening shelter and community center for the homeless and lonely, please see: Listening House serves about 225 people a day. The Silent Auction is slated to raise enough money to cover operating costs for one month. At the end of this year's event, BUSN200 students will have raised more than $300,000 for Listening House during our 12-year partnership!

Scenes from last year's auction.