With the help of scholarships, the University Advocates for Women and Equity (UAWE) is encouraging undergraduate and graduate women to participate in the Minnesota League of Women Voters' "Leaders of Today and Tomorrow Women’s Leadership Conference." The application deadline for scholarships has been extended to Friday, March 12.
The conference, “Trailblazers: Charting a Course for the Future,” will be held on Friday and Saturday, April 9 and 10, at the University of St. Thomas Law School in Minneapolis. The conference will explore the theme of women’s leadership in public policy, nonprofit organizations, business and academia.
Cost of the two-day conference is $99. The Minnesota League of Women Voters has offered to reduce the cost to $50 for up to eight UST undergraduate and graduate women; the UAWE will provide scholarships to cover the remaining cost.
More information about the conference is available at the League of Women Voters.
To apply for a scholarship, e-mail to Dr. Susan Myers by 4 p.m. Friday, March 12:
- A current unofficial UST transcript.
- A completed scholarship application, available via e-mail from Myers.