Looking for a job? “Making Dollars and Change: Nonprofit Jobs,” an event featuring brief presentations by professionals in the nonprofit sector, will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. tomorrow, Tuesday, April 27. The speakers will share stories about how they landed in nonprofit jobs and why they stay there.
The discussion will be held in the O’Shaughnessy Room, Room 108, O’Shaughnessy-Frey Library Center. Everyone is welcome, especially those thinking about job prospects. Pizza and beverages will be served.
Useful information will be given about nonprofit employment. The speakers will present examples of their work, success stories and challenges. Bao Vang of the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits will provide broad-scope nonprofit employment statistics, examples of job duties, salary ranges and a demonstration of MCN’s Web-based job bank.
Also featured will be talks by the Seward Redesign Team, a housing and community development corporation, and Rosemarie Rumsey, executive director of the Listening House of St. Paul, a sanctuary from the streets where practical assistance, counsel and a friendly ear are offered to those who are homeless, disadvantaged or lonely. Q-and-A time will be included.
This event is sponsored by the Department of Ethics and Legal Studies in Business and the BLAW Club.