In her weekly H1Ni influenza report to the University of St. Thomas community, Madonna McDermott, director of the University of St. Thomas Student Health Service and Wellness Center, announced that a mobile triage (screening) unit has opened between the Morrison and Brady residence halls on the north campus.
More information about what is being called the "Tommie Triage Trailer" can be found in McDermott's weekly update on the university's Pandemic Web site. This is St. Thomas' designated site for sharing flu-related announcements to students, staff and faculty.
McDermott als0 reports that the level of H1N1 influenza activity at St. Thomas decreased this past week for the first time since the beginning of the school year. While 56 new cases last week might not seem low, it is less than half the number of cases reported the previous week.
The Student Health Service, McDermott said, is still awaiting its first shipment of H1N1 vaccine. She urges students with underlying medical conditions to obtain this vaccination through their primary-care provider if possible.