Adam Levy, frontman of the Twin Cities-based indie rock band The Honeydogs, will perform at 7 p.m. Monday, Oct. 5, St. Thomas’ Scooter's.
Levy has performed and recorded for decades, but his latest album, “Naubinway,” released last month, is a change of direction due to the worst of circumstances: His son, Daniel, died by suicide in 2012. After a year-and-a-half songwriting hiatus, Levy decided to begin again and draw inspiration from his son, the experience of losing him and life after he is gone.
Levy has talked and sang about the entire experience, one tragically shared by family members of the tens of thousands of Americans who take their own lives each year. Levy has spoken at length in interviews about the work he has done to increase mental health awareness and spur conversations, both through his music and in other mental health forums.
“Life goes on in spite of great tragedy," he said in a recent interview with MPR. "So here I am."
Monday’s concert and discussion are free and available to all students, faculty and staff. Active Minds – a student group dedicated to increasing awareness “among St. Thomas students about issues of mental illness and available resources in and around the St. Thomas community” – will be at the event to discuss the issue of mental health, as well as staff from Counseling and Psychological Services.