Net and Telecom Services resolves reporting issues
From Net and Telecom Services
This past year, the university’s vendor for long-distance telephone billing statements made numerous changes to the system UST had been using for call accounting (TelMaster).
The transition of this went well, except for the reporting function, which was problematic. Most functions, such as call collection, costing and monthly uploads to the business office, continued to work. This is why department budgets were still charged for telecom services even though the reporting function was not working properly.
The reporting issues have been resolved, and Net and Telecom Services will be sending all long-distance usage reports for the current fiscal year. Some have received some of these reports, but most did not. If you previously received Telecom statements for this year, please accept an apology for the confusion and consider the new ones the statement of record. Double charges were not made against any account.
In order to catch up, Net and Telecom Services will release one month of statements per day, beginning with the oldest (July 2008) and ending with the current billing period.
It is hoped that these reports are easier to read. The Index code is now included on the individual reports as ACCOUNT. The methods and processes of providing the statements are much less cumbersome on UST systems than before. Net and Telecom Services also is now in a position to consider providing these reports via the Web. More on that at a later time.
Questions or concerns? Call Cindy Sundberg, Network and Telecom Services, (651) 962-6262, and thank you for your patience.