As a result of the internal and external assessments for Positioning for Our Future involving campus support services, the several changes will take place in the coming weeks.
The Parking Services Office on the St. Paul campus has moved to the lower level of Murray Herrick Campus Center, Room LL17. This location was previously part of the Air Force ROTC offices.
Office hours will remain 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday. The new mail number is 4019. All phone numbers will remain the same.
Beginning July 5, the Minneapolis Service Center on the lower level of Terrence Murphy Hall will process University of St. Thomas photo ID cards and the sale of parking permits and Metropasses. The Service Center/Campus Mail Services will continue to offer the same services as in the past.
Requests for guest parking and for parking ramp vouchers will continue to be made through a Request for Service and charter buses will continue to be requested through the form on the Parking Services website. Other questions regarding parking can be directed to Diana Kaardal, (651) 962-7279.
Prior to July 5, University of St. Thomas ID cards will be made at the St. Paul Card Office only.
Requests for copying and print jobs will be handled by the St. Paul Service Center.