Payroll early holiday cutoffs announced for student employees
From the Payroll Department
Please note that due to upcoming holidays for Christmas and New Year's there will be early deadlines for all payroll action items for the pay period of Dec. 7 through Dec. 20.
Action items subject to the early deadlines include:
- All electronic time sheets must be submitted in Murphy to your supervisors for approval by noon Friday, Dec. 19. Your supervisor may request that you complete your time sheet earlier.
- All paper time sheets must be received in Payroll by noon Friday, Dec. 19.
- Time clock correction sheets and vacation requests for the Stromberg time clock system must be turned in to the time clock administrators by 8 a.m. Friday, Dec. 19.
- All electronic approvals must be done in Murphy and Stromberg by Sunday, Dec. 21.
- All new student employment forms must be turned in to Human Resources by Tuesday, Dec. 16.
- W-4 and student tuition deduction changes must be received in Payroll by Tuesday, Dec. 16.
- To have your January paychecks mailed to a different address, log in to Murphy Online, Personal Information, Update Address and Phones and change your Payroll Check Mailing Address to the address where you want these checks mailed. Remember to change the address back when you return for spring term.
Pay items received after the deadlines printed above will not be processed on the Jan. 2 paycheck. They will be processed on the following payday, Jan. 16.