Several enhancements have been added to the university's eBuy&Pay system, Purchasing Services has announced. They include:
- Email approval: Approvers will be able to quickly and easily approve eBuy&Pay requisitions via email.
- New book vendor: The vendor Complete Book is now available in the eBuy&Pay system. Complete Book is a book vendor that is available to UST through the university's E&I (Educational & Institutional) purchasing consortium. This contract offers discounted pricing on most titles and free shipping on orders over $15. All course books for resale to students must still be sourced through the UST Bookstore.
- New Physical Plant vendor: The vendor Graybar also has been recently added to the system. This is primarily a Physical Plant vendor but may pertain to other departments in certain product categories.
- Improved document search: The "document search tab" will replace the "history tab" as a means of finding current and past documents in eBuy&Pay.
Training videos and documentation are available on the Purchasing and Payables website. For more information call Purchasing Services, (651) 962-6310.