Dr. Shahid Alvi, Sociology Department, gave a presentation, "Perceptions of Male Privilege and Abuse of Impoverished Minority Women," at the annual meetings of the American Society of Criminology.
Dr. Marsha Blumenthal, Economics Department, and Charles Christian, of Arizona State University, presented their paper, "Practitioners and Tax Administration, to the Crisis in Tax Administration conference Nov. 8 at the Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C. The conference was sponsored by Brookings, the University of Michigan Office of Tax Policy Research, and the American Tax Policy Institute, with the support of the American Bar Association Section of Taxation and the Internal Revenue Service. The paper discussed recent changes in the regulation of practitioners' activities and presented data describing theimpact of the Minnesota tax compliance experiment on practitioner usage.
Dr. Mel Gray, Economics Department, recently attended the annual conference of the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action in Montreal, where he presented two papers and chaired a session. The papers were "Economics of the Nonprofit Arts: Myths and Realities," given at a session titled "Economists Reach Out: The Relevance of Nonprofit Economics to Other Disciplines"; and "Strategic Pricing in the Nonprofit Arts: A Case Study of Orchestra Behavior," an update of his ongoing research, presented at a session on "Funding and Management of Arts and Culture Organizations." He chaired and served as a discussant in a session on "Accountability and Information Use."
Dr. Bruce Kramer, School of Education, and Ernestine Enomoto, of the University of Hawaii, co-presented "Developing Moral Leadership by Teaching Ethics" at the annual conference of theUniversity Council of Educational Administration recently in Pittsburgh. Kramer, with co-authors Dr. Don LaMagdeleine, School of Education, an alumna Mirja Hanson (Ed.D. '01), also had a paper accepted for the John Dewey Society meeting of the American Educational Research Association annual conference in April 2003. Its title is "John Dewey and the Phenomenon of Leadership: A Proposed Working Model."
Dawn Swink, College of Business, is co-author of an article, "The Impact of Stigma on Environmental Liability Claims," in the fall 2002 issue of the Real Estate Law Journal, Vol. 31, No. 2. She also attended the Tri-State Academy of Legal Studies in Business conferene Nov. 1-2 in Auburn Hills, Mich., where she was elected vice president and program chair of the Tri-State regional group. She also gave a presentation, "Statutory Exercises: Avoiding Constitutional Errors."
Dr. John Wendt, College of Business, has been reappointed to the Tribunal Arbitral du Sport (Court of Arbitration for Sport) by the International Council of Arbitration for Sport. CAS, headquartered in Lausanne, Switzerland, may hear any dispute directly or indirectly linked to sport, be it commercial in nature (e.g., a sponsorship conference), or of a disciplinary nature following a decision by a sports organization (e.g., a doping case). CAS is responsible for dispute resolution at the Olympic Games, the Commonwealth Games and World Championships. CAS has only 189 arbitrators from 55 countries, chosen for their specialist knowledge of arbitration and sports law.
Victoria Young, Art History Department, presented a paper, "From Bauhaus to God's House: Marcel Breuer and the Benedictines Build St. John's Abbey Church, Collegeville, Minn. (1953-1961)," at a symposium,"(Un)Common Ground: Rethinking American Sacred Space," Nov. 1-2 at the University of Virginia.
Dr. Fred Zimmerman, Graduate Programs in Engineering and Technology Management, was an invited guest at the Future of Manufacturing Conference co-sponsored by the Hudson Institute and the German Marshall Fund Nov. 3-5 at Indiana University. He presented some of the findings from his studies of industrial relocation to representatives from seven countries and several universities. On Nov. 8, he was asked to make a presentation to the Minnesota Department of Planning on the status of manufacturing in this region.