Professional notes
Dr. Elise Amel, Dr. Jean Giebenhain, Dr. Lauren Braswell and Dr. John Tauer, Psychology Department, recently presented at the winter conference of Collaboration for the Advancement of College Teaching and Learning. The title of the conference was "Teaching for Wisdom: Achieving Higher Order Thinking in Our Graduates," and the title of their talk was “Cultivating Wisdom through Service-Learning in Psychology.” Their presentation focused on their experiences using service-learning in the following psychology courses: Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Psychopathology, Counseling and Psychotherapy, and Cross-Cultural Psychology.
Jan Andrews-Schenk's paper "Group Work as Progressive Practice" was published in Germany (translated into German by Jurgen Kalcher) in the most recent issue of Standpunkt: Sozial.
Andrews-Schenk, Social Work, was the luncheon speaker at the Jan. 20 meeting of Retired DHS Social Workers. She gave a presentation on "What is Radical Social Work?"
Susan V. Webster, Art History Department, presented a paper, "Hidden Transcripts in the Highland Andes: Native Danzantes in Colonial Corpus Christi Processions," at the annual conference of the College Art Association in Seattle.