Professional notes
Dr. Stephen Brookfield, School of Education, is the author of an article, "Learning Democratic Reason: The Adult Educational Project of Jurgen Habermas," published in the journal, Teachers College Record, Vol. 107, No. 6 (2005).
(We missed a sentence in this item last week, so here it is again, in its entirety. – Editors) Nine students from the Chemistry Department presented the results of their research at the national meeting of the American Chemical Society last March in San Diego. Students of Dr. J. Thomas Ippoliti presenting posters were Kayla Kent, Susan Pribyl, Lauren Becker, John Schwerkoske, Jay Christenson and Jay Vlaminck. Students of Dr. William Ojala who presented posters were Jon Smieja and Ben Sanders. Adam Huss, a student of Dr. Joseph Brom, presented a poster that earned Huss an expenses-paid trip to this meeting; his was the top-ranked poster in the Chemistry Department’s annual Summer Research Symposium in August 2004. Ippoliti also presented a paper, “Zwitterionic Superabsorbant Polymers,” at the national meeting. The talk initiated a new research collaboration with Sherwin-Williams.
Dr. Ellen Kennedy, Service-Learning, is the author of an article, "Lands of the Free," published in Upper Midwest Jewish History, the journal of the Jewish Historical Society of the Upper Midwest. The article, which chronicles the experience of three generations of Russian Americans, won a "best paper" award presented at the society's annual meeting last week.
Kennedy also wrote "Defining Campus-Community Partnerships," an article published in the book Service-Learning and Undergraduate Sociology (American Sociological Association, 2005). The article highlights keys to successful community relationships such as sustainability, respet, advocacy and integration of community partners into the university's service-learning work at all levels.
Dr. Thomas Redshaw, English Department and Center for Irish Studies, wrote two reviews that were published in May and June in the Irish Times, Ireland's national newspaper. The first, on May 7, considered James Liddy's memoir, The Doctor's House; the second, on June 25, presented Thomas McCarthy's collection of poems, The Merchant Prince.