Professional notes
Dr. Elise Amel, Dr. Jean Giebenhain, Dr. John Tauer and Dr. Lauren Braswell, Psychology Department, presented a symposium, “Service-Learning in Undergraduate Psychology: Theory, Application, Flops and Finds,” at the 113th annual convention of the American Psychological Association in August in Washington, D.C.
Dr. Sarah Armstrong, Personal Counseling and Testing, attended the annual conference of the Association of Counseling Center Training Agencies recently in Big Sky, Mont. She presented two workshops: “Creating Harmony Out of Confusion: Helpful Information for New Training Directors” and “Internship Passages: Developmental Pathways.” She also is manager of the ACTA Web site’s listserv surveys.
Dr. Camille George and Dr. John Abraham, School of Engineering, were the co-authors of a presentation, “A Sustainable Low-Energy Cooling System for Hot, Dry Climates,” at the conference “Sustainability as Security” hosted by Engineers for a Sustainable World Oct. 5-9 in Austin, Texas.
Father Jan Michael Joncas, Theology Department and Catholic Studies, is the author of an article, “Style Wars,” published in the October-November issue of Pastoral Music (Vol. 30, No. 1, pages 26-35).
Dr. Christina Manning, Dr. Elise Amel and Dr. Britain Scott, Psychology Department, are the co-authors of a paper, “Framing Effects of Environmental Information on Guilt,” presented at the Sixth Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology, hosted by the Environmental Psychology Division of the German Association of Psychology in Bochum, Germany.
Dr. Thomas Redshaw, English Department and Center for Irish Studies, is the author of a review of the recent Gallery Press collections by three leading Irish poets – Rosita Boland, Justin and Gerald Daw – in the August issue of Irish Studies Review (Vol. 13, No. 3). Irish Studies Review is the journal of the British Association for Irish Studies and is published quarterly by Routledge.
Richard Welch, School of Engineering, presented a tutorial paper, “Why a Motor Will Not Output More Continuous Torque by Simply Increasing Its Operating Temperature,” at the fall conference of the Small Motor Manufacturers Association Oct. 7-9 in Chicago.